Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Jan 22

**I apologize for the formatting, our internet is spotty so I couldn’t quite get the pictures in the right order**

Hey Everyone, 

It’s Michaela & it’s my turn to blog! Today was a busy day... lots going on!

Today’s big news this morning was that the showers are working again! We’ve gone 3-4 days now without running water in the showers but we’re all feeling refreshed now! 

A few Tanzania’s were complaining how cold it was here in the morning and were shocked to hear how much colder it is in Minnesota. The weather is perfect here! 70’s during the day and 60’s at night, couldn’t be any better! 

During our morning huddle, Kikoti, the hospital administrator, called me to the front and said something in Swahili. Everyone clapped at the end and I had no idea what they were saying about me. We joked that they had hired me as the new permanent ultrasound tech without my knowledge. So we’re still unsure... maybe I got a promotion! 
(They really just said I’m here to do ultrasounds if anyone needs one since Dr. Sovelo is gone) 

Today was the first day that ultrasound wasn’t crazy busy so I actually got to eat lunch with everyone and have a lunch break! 
A group of 4, Kaylin, Deann, Gena, And Kelsey went on the outreach program today. They went out to a village where they provided family planning counseling, infant immunizations, and prenatal care. 

We got a tour of the lab in the evening and were able to learn more about what tests they have available here and what some of their struggles are. 

Megan lead a talk on antibiotics which I heard went well! 

We were invited to a small gathering in the church with the nursing students. Every night at 7:30pm they gather in the chapel, sing, and worship god. They have invited us to join them anytime and we enjoyed it very much! 

And then we ended the night with a lovely game of Headst up! 

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